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Brown leather wallet CB FP7
[porte monani]

Brown leather wallet CB FP7
Brown leather wallet CB FP7 [Door monnai] 7.00 € HOVER TO ZOOMPorte currency CB Brown leather FP7 CB wallet To put your blue card is also the right size this practice carries currency to put in your pocket without bringing handbag Handcraft, craft creating unique, Creating unique and original play all our kits and wallet are numbered All my creations are numbered Variation and customization: Unique piece CB wallet Color: Light Brown Dimension Width: cm Length: 11 cm cm Height: about 9cm Reference: CB Brown leather wallet FP7 Pattern : Material: leather Variation and customization: Unique piece By creating Bylette Baroussemania Enjoy the latest news, promotions, my latest achievement by visiting my blog http://baroussemania.over-blog.com
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